Hinduism – History and Philosophy

Hinduism is a large, ancient, and diverse religion, which started in India as the Hindu religion. It is a religion that emphasizes on the relationship between the gods and the mankind. It’s main holy books are the Holy Bible, Vedas, and the Upanishads. Hinduism believes that the Hindu soul lives in the universe and the Hindu mind should be free from worldly desires. To achieve this, man must work toward improving himself through meditation and self-control. Hinduism also prescribes a five-cycle wedding, in which the wedding vows are made and renewed four times.


Unlike other Abrahamic religions, Hinduism has no celestial being as such. Instead, all beings are believed to be born into the universe through different natural means like seeds, sweat, and blood. After emerging from the egg, each individual is assigned a particular birth and placed in a particular place according to the instructions of the Hindu scriptures. Classes, castes, and wealth are not based on physical appearance, but on the worth of one’s deeds in the Hindu religion. The five castes of Hindu society are further divided into three classes according to their functions: ras (leaders), char (workers), and pras (soldiers).

While Hinduism considers dharma as a central component of its faith, many scholars have challenged the existence of dharma. For example, Ruparika Saki states, “There can never be any divine being, just as there can be no divine practice, just as there can be no divine lifestyle.” Most believers however, dispute this, arguing that dharma simply describes the orderliness of society. According to them, dharma is a description of the relationship between men and women in Hindu society. It also explains why certain actions are considered right and others wrong, what obligations each person has towards his or her fellow man, and how these duties affect the person’s happiness and welfare.