Christianity – Its Effect On Modern Society


Christianity – Its Effect On Modern Society

Christianity is one of the oldest Christian religions and has had many writings written that date back to the second century. Christianity is a monotheistic Abrahamic faith based upon the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth, though other Messiahs have also been claimed as a god. Christianity is the most popular religion in the world with almost two billion followers worldwide. Many people follow different religions like Islam and Judaism, but Christianity has had a lasting effect on society and is still gaining more followers than any other religion today. There are many reasons why Christianity has had such a profound effect on mankind.

Christianity is based upon three main creeds namely, Catholic, Orthodox and evangelical. The basic beliefs of Christianity are that Jesus was both God and man, that he rose from the dead and that he is the one whom we worship. Christianity also believes that the Bible, the written word of God, is infallible and true while Islam is based upon the Hadith, Oral Tradition and the Sunna (the life stories of the Prophet Muhammad) and is believed to be an Islamic religion. The third school of thought within Christianity is known as post-baptism, which believes that all who were baptised into Christianity have lived as true Christians outside of the church. Some scholars believe that a combination of Christianity, Islam and the Postbaptism church existed during the early years of Christianity.

The Catholic Church in particular is credited with introducing many of the myths and legends of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon and Cleopatra. The Roman Catholic Church also introduced the concept of theosis or salvation through suffering and dying for the Saviour Jesus. As a result, the concept of punishment in hell has become a core tenet of Christianity. With all of these gods and goddesses believed to be associated with the Christian faith, it is no wonder that Christianity has had such a tremendous impact on humanity!