Judaic Theology

Judaic (Hebrew plural of Jud) is the Jewish religious tradition founded upon the teachings of Jewish wisdom expressed in the Bible and interpreted by rabbis. Unlike Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, the followers of Judaic faith believe that their spiritual path is guided by the guidance of God, while all others are following the ways of their ancestors. The followers of Judaic faith believe that they follow the path of God in the Bible, but also believe in the ability of man to transform his life through study and action. Their dietary requirements include meat and dairy; however, they also consume many fruits and vegetables. In essence, it is a vegetarian religion; however, their dietary restrictions are not as strict as those of other religions.


Judaic (Hebrew plural of jud) is an Abrahamic religious culture featuring the collective oral legal, cultural, and religious tradition and culture of the Jewish population as a whole. Judaism is regarded as the literal expression of God’s covenant with the Children of Israel, as recorded in the sacred texts of the Bible. Many Jews regard the teachings found in the Bible as the words of God himself, since they are based completely on the truth and are therefore sacred in nature. Theologies found in the works of Rabbis and other Talmudists interpret these scriptures and provide guidance for living. The beliefs and practices of Judaic people have remained largely unchanged throughout the centuries, even under periods of extreme hardship. The main elements of Judaic theology are the belief in a Messianic era when God returns to earth to redeem His people from their enemy, the Messiah, and establish a universal church with freedom, rights, and civil authority.

Following the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the exile of Jesus from the land, a group of rabbis, referred to as the Sadducees, set out from the country, travelling to Babylonia, where they established a city-state called Judaeo Galilee. This was the forerunner of modern Israel and was separated into two kingdoms – Magdala and Judaea. In recent times, there has been an increasing tendency for Jews to emigrate to Israel, either permanently or temporarily. This mainly takes place due to political and social conditions in that country. Many rabbis consider that the time of Judaic theology is numbered, as the coming of Antichrist will herald the return of darkness and wickedness. However, the majority of Jewish people do not attach any special significance to this, and view Antichrist as nothing more than a corrupting influence in the future world.