History of Hinduism

Hinduism is an ancient Indian religious tradition and dharma, or common life. The religion is divided into several sub-sects, including Hinduism in South Asia, Buddhism in Southeast Asia, Islam in Africa, and Christianity in West Asia and Australia. Hindus are also said to be descendents of the Himalayan kings. Hinduism, a religion dating back to …

Judaic – What is the Difference Between Judaism and Judaic Orthodoxy?

Judaic is the official religion of Israel, as stated in the Bible. Judaic is also called the “Torah” meaning the law written by the commandments of God. The religion is known for its focus on ritual and spirituality. While some followers of Judaic do not practice the Jewish faith, they nevertheless observe certain laws that …

Early Christian Art

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic faith based on the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth, also known as the messiah or “God man” who lived about six centuries ago. It is the most popular world religion, having about 2.4 Billion followers worldwide. The basic beliefs of Christianity are that: First, there is God (also …


Christianity Christianity is an Abrahamic religious religion, also known as the religion of Jesus. It is the largest religious community in the world, with around 2.4 Billion followers worldwide. The basic beliefs of Christianity are that: Everyone in the world is God in disguise, humans are mortal and God is almighty. This is the most …

Meditation in the Real World – A Look at Buddhist Meditation

Buddhism is an Indian religious philosophy based on a set of original teachings ascribed to Gautama Buddha. It originated in ancient India sometime around the 6th to 4th centuries CE, spreading throughout much of Asia. Some of the most well-known texts include the Heart Sutra, the Amitabha Sutras, and the Majja Sutra. While the original …

Understanding Religion Through the Ages

Understanding Religion Through the Ages Religion is the study of the world and human existence and the associated customs, values, and institutions associated with it. It is used to describe systems of thought (such as those of Eastern or Western religious perspectives) and their relations to societal situations and concerns. Religions are often defined as …